Who is hazrat esa ? Christmas, as everybody knows, honors the introduction of jesus and is a significant strict festival for Christians around the globe. hazrat esa In any case, what numerous individuals don't know is that jesus is a significant figure in Islam, as well, despite the fact that most Muslims don't observe Christmas (however a few, particularly some American Muslims, do). hazrat esa To pay tribute to the occasion, here are six things you may not think about the job of jesus — and his mom, Mary — in Islam: hazrat esa jesus, Mary, and the blessed messenger Gabriel are all in the Quran (as are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and a lot of other Book of scriptures characters). hazrat esa Muslims accept that jesus (called "Isa" in Arabic) was a prophet of God, was destined to a virgin (Mary), and will come back to Earth before the Day of Judgment to reestablish equity and to vanquish al-Masih advertisement Dajjal ("the bogus savior"), otherwise...
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